Sunday, September 03, 2006

Book Q & A

My wife wanted me to answer the following questions. If you feel up to it - please do the same.

One book that changed your life:
Transforming Grace, by Jerry Bridges. Bridges writes on our tendency to live in a "works-performance" relationship with God. But the Bible doesn't expect us to perform for God. God expects us to live by faith in His grace. We can't make our standing before Him any better, Christ has already done that perfectly. What motivates us and gives us the ability to live a godly life, is living in light of His grace, not attempting good works out of fear of disapproval. Our approval from God is found in Christ. He sees us through His Son.

One book that you've read more than once:
Disciplines of the Christian Life, by Donald Whitney. This covers the fundamentals of our spiritual life: prayer, reading the Bible, fasting, journaling, meditation, etc. A great book to always go back to for the essentials in life.

One book you’d want on a desert island:
Just the Bible. I would probably spend time memorizing my favorite chapters and books (depending upon how long I was on this island!)

One book you wish had been written:
"The Grey Areas of Theology" Yes, we must admit - not everything is black and white in the scriptures, and not everything is understandable with our puny minds. I just wish someone (a scholar perferrable...which excludes myself) would come out and present some of the doctrines and theological issues that don't necessarily have a conclusive answer. Jesus is fully God and fully man at the same time. How does that work? Like Dr. Behle said in Theology II, if you understand how God's sovereignty and human responsibility relate - leave your answer to yourself. I don't want to know.

One book you wish had never been written:
The Koran...obviously. Kill those who disagree with your religious beliefs? Not on the top of my list. And yes, that stuff really is in there. The New Testament says to love your enemy. And let me tell you, that doctrine is much harder to follow.

One book you’re currently reading:
E.M. Bounds on prayer. This is the collection of Bounds' writings on prayer. The necessity of prayer, the power of prayer, and the weapon of prayer are just a few chapters in this collection. A must read.

One book you've been meaning to read:
Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper. I'm probably going to have our guys accountability group read through this book in the fall. Piper's purpose is to motivate you to live the rest of your life for the glory of God - in some very practical ways. So I am anxious to read it!


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