Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Few Thoughts on Prayer...

I have listed some thoughts from my lesson in Sunday school a few weeks ago. Here are some "Be's" in regards to prayer. These are just a few principles that I try to keep in mind when praying.

Be Consistent.
How often do you pray? Even if you only pray for 5 minutes a day, be sure to pray for 5 minutes each day - and remain consistent in doing that.

Be Persistent.
Don't confuse this with being consistent. What I mean by being persistent, is to take a matter to the Lord and keep on taking it to him. Don't just pray for an issue once, but keep praying about that issue - keep knocking!

Be Passionate.
Do you really believe the Lord is good? Do you believe He is powerful? Do you believe He desires the best for you? If so, thrust yourself into your prayer. Sometimes you may need to grit your teeth, but if you truly want the Lord to hear - be passionate! He desires your passion. He wants to see your heart.

Be Specific.
God wants to know exactly what is on your mind. He is a God of detail. So bring before the Lord each detail of your life. In fact, create a prayer journal. Record that detail you prayed for and the date you prayed about it. Later record God's answer (specifically) to your prayer request. See God's faithfulness as you look back over your prayer journal. You will be suprised how many He did end up answering!

Be Biblical.
What is God's will? How do I know that I am praying God's will? Pray the scripture! If the scripture is God's revealed will, and you pray scripture, then you are praying in God's will. You can't go wrong!

Don't neglect to pray. An old professor of mine once said "Make every thought a prayer thought." Breathe it! It's your life.


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