Wednesday, May 10, 2006

God's Ear

Prayerlessness has run rampant in the church today. In our fast-paced quick-fix culture, most Christians don't have time to quiet themselves in God's presence. We run here and there to keep up with our fast growing society while grabbing for our spiritual fix. We look for the newest Christian magazine or book that will give us that "key to spiritual success" when our Bible's lay collecting dust and our prayer lives dwindle to almost nothing. Do we really believe the promises of God? Do we really believe that God is powerful and listens to the cry of His children? Do we really believe that God is anxious to hear and answer our little requests? I think if we did believe that, our prayer lives would reflect it. The Bible says "you have not because you ask not" and we don't receive because "we ask with wrong motives." But it may be true today that asking with wrong motives rarely happens since, well, we don't have time to pray.

Not only has prayer disappeared among Christians, but the power to live the Christian life is rarely utilized. Paul says in the sixth chapter of Ephesians: "with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." God has fixed prayer as part of His armor. Careful! Don't carelessly read over the long section of prayer at the end of God's armor. It is key to spiritual victory. The soldier will be wounded and lost in the battle without contact with his commander. This may well be the reason why so many believers today are struggling with temptation. Financial gain, sexual pleasure, admiration among peers, and desire for acceptance in the world are nothing compared to the eternal quality and joy-filled pleasure of being in God's presence and seeing Him work through prayer.

Finally I have graduated from Seminary. I was able to walk across the stage and shake MacArthur's hand with relief. Many have asked me what was the greatest lesson I learned. One of the main lessons I tell people is that I learned to get my priorities in order! Specifically that spending time with the Lord was top on the list. To enjoy God's everlasting word and to get in a quiet place to talk to my Savior - is and should be essential to every believer's life. Only if we would only take a small amount of time each day to be with our Lord would we truly begin to "succeed." God offers His guidance (James 1) and power (James 5) if we would only get on our faces. We have everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1), the righteousness of Christ (Romans 8), all of our works prepared beforehand (Ephesians 2), every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1), and God's Spirit dwelling within us (John 14-16). None of these incredible benefits are lacking for any Christian. What lacks is our prayer life. God's power in our lives come through prayer that is sensitive to Gods word and dependent upon Him. There is no excuse for a constantly discouraged and powerless Christian. God has provided a wonderful privilege and responsibility for each of us to engage in which will allow God to work powerfully in our lives. Mountains of trials and sins will become mole-hills as we utilize the knees God gave us! Remember that prayer itself is not the source of power, but a caring God. Prayer is the avenue. He urges us to come and knock on His door. And unless we obey Him by doing this, we should not expect to grow in the knowledge of Christ. Only as we begin to ask for His help and guidance will we be "successful Christians." Remember: You have not, because you ask not.